Life-Changing Products Exhibit Was Hard to Miss in Baltimore

By November 15, 2017Appearances, Latest News

A great location — right by the front door — made the Life-Changing Products hard to miss for attendees at the Maryland Home and Garden Show in October at the state fairgrounds in Timonium.

The marquee spot drove strong traffic through the booth. It didn’t hurt that the exhibit’s June oven was nearly always on, producing chocolate chip cookies. And the first thing visitors saw was a robot lawnmower sitting on a bed of AstroTurf. Exhibit staff demoed the lawn mower nearly non-stop for two days.

Dozens of visitors mentioned that they had seen one or more products in the exhibit on television. The exhibit was featured on two morning television shows, including a spot with Amy Aaronson of Fox 45 (pictured above.) Unfortunately the footage wasn’t loaded on the Internet.

There was a lot of interest at the show in The Frame TV from Samsung, which serves as both a TV and digital image display. Visitors were also appreciative to learn about the CUJO smart firewall that protects connected devices against hacks and viruses. Here are some pictures of the exhibit.

About Boyce Thompson

Boyce Thompson, the author of The New New Home, is a writer and editor who has spent more than 30 years covering the housing market. Thompson began his career as a writer for publications such as The Washington Post, Governing, Practical Homeowner, Venture, and Changing Times, the precursor to the Kiplinger Letter.