Thanks to Everyone Who Came to My Book Signing at P&P

Thanks so much to everyone — especially my special benefactor — who came out to my book signing at Politics & Prose. A big, friendly crowd sure made it easier to deliver my presentation. I hope that I told you at least a couple things that you didn’t already know.

As I mentioned in my presentation, I didn’t know much about global warming before setting out on the two-year journey to write my book. What I learned was truly sobering. There isn’t much that an individual building a single home can do about the problem, though it makes sense to build the greenest home possible.

That said, there’s plenty you can do to protect your home from increasingly violent natural disasters. You may not find much guidance in your local building code. But you can look to model codes, voluntary guidelines, and engineers for help.


About Boyce Thompson

Boyce Thompson, the author of The New New Home, is a writer and editor who has spent more than 30 years covering the housing market. Thompson began his career as a writer for publications such as The Washington Post, Governing, Practical Homeowner, Venture, and Changing Times, the precursor to the Kiplinger Letter.